Pharmacology for biology students


As an elective subject in M.Sc. Biology

  • Lecture: General and systematic pharmacology and toxicology part 1 in winter semester (#200507; 3 SWS)

The lecture on general and systematic pharmacology and toxicology for medical students teaches the scientific principles and the basic principles of therapeutic intervention. The various groups of pharmaceuticals, their mechanisms of action and effectiveness are presented. This part of the elective subject ends with a separate exam for biologists (in February).


Aktories, Förstermann, Hofmann, Starke: Allgemeine und spezielle Pharmakologie und Toxikologie. 13. Aufl., Urban & Fischer / Elsevier, 2022
Freissmuth, Offermanns, Böhm: Pharmakologie und Toxikologie. 3. Aufl., Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2020

  • Laboratory internship: Molecular Pharmacology (WiSe: #209830; SoSe: #201912; 15 SWS), the appointments are arranged individually

The aim is to investigate the influence of different signaling transduction cascades on cells and tissues by using cell biological and biochemical methods. The experiments are conducted independently and the results are presented in an oral presentation.


Review articles on current topics are provided


If you are interested in the laboratory internship, please send an e-mail to: