Pharmacology for biochemistry students


1.)   As elective subject “pharmacology“ in the Master's program

  • Laboratory internship: 2nd Master's semester: "In-Depth Practical"
  • 9 SWS, duration: 6 weeks #185881

The aim is to investigate the influence of different signaling transduction cascades on cells and tissues by using cell biological and biochemical methods. The experiments are conducted independently and the results are
presented in an oral presentation.

If you are interested in the laboratory internship, please send an e-mail to: .

2.)   As a subsidiary subject lecture within the graduate school  of chemistry and biochemistry (GSCB)

  • General and systematic pharmacology and toxicology
  • Part 1 in winter semester (3 SWS) #200507
  • Part 2 in summer semester (2 SWS) #206007

The lecture on general and systematic pharmacology and toxicology teaches the scientific principles and the basic principles of therapeutic intervention. The various groups of pharmaceuticals, their mechanisms of action and effectiveness are presented.

If you are interested in the lectures, please send an e-mail to: .

The subsidiary subject lectures can be chosen from the lectures of the master's degree programs in chemistry or biochemistry or from other faculties and must cover 4-6 semester hours per week (SWS). The chosen subject area must not be too close to the research topic or to the courses of the previous degree. The selection of courses must be approved by the examination office.
For further information see: